Our Father’s Hands Food Pantry and Clothing Closet are looking for smiling faces to help organize and pass out the food and clothing on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1:00pm to 2:30pm. We will train as to what you need to know.
OR Do you like to garden or work outdoors? Our landscaping/flower beds would welcome any and all who love to play in the dirt. When the weather gets warmer, give a call or just come over.
Call the office for more information: (248) 758-9019.
MEDIA Help - we use ProPresenter to display our slides during our worship service. If you like technology and can help on a Sunday morning, contact the office and sign up to be trained. No computer skills necessary. We will train.
food pantry donations needed urgently- amazon wish list
To keep our Food Pantry full we always need the following items: Pastas, canned meats (Chicken, Tuna); canned vegetables; Rice; Creamed soups; Spaghetti/Ravioli; Baked Beans/Refried beans; Spaghetti sauce and canned fruits. Also Peanut butter, cereals, oatmeal and personal hygiene items: toothpaste, shampoo, conditioners, soap. These items can be purchased on -Amazon.com - St Paul Wish List and then delivered to the church address. OR These items can be dropped off at the church during office hours.
CLOthing closet donations
Our Clothing Closet is OPEN Tuesday & Thursday from 1-2:30pm. Donations can be dropped off during business hours. We are looking for children and adult summer clothing; Jeans, casual shoes; Sweatpants; School uniforms; also, household items - kitchen towels, small appliances, Blankets & sheets, bath towels. Donations will be ON HOLD until September 24 so that we can prepare for WINTER needs.
Free Food on Fridays - Available with a limited supply of food.
Presently we are offering FREE Little Caesar’s Pizza, limited KFC frozen food items and sandwiches and pastries from Star Bucks and Panera Bread.
Through the generous donations from Trinity Lutheran Church, Utica and QTMC in Pontiac, surplus food and produce is distributed to those in need. You must sign in before the food is distributed and take only enough for your family. Food arrives at the church around 1:00 pm on Fridays and is distributed shortly afterward.
School Back Packs and Supplies
We accept new school age-appropriate backpacks and school supplies for the 2024 school year. We have a limited supply of backpacks but an overabundance of school supplies. Please call the church to make arrangements to pick up a backpack for your child.
plastic mats for the homeless
The Ruth Society/LWML ladies are collecting plastic grocery bags and personal items for the homeless. The grocery bags will be made into mats that help protect the homeless from the cold ground.
Homeless Bags
Personal items will be collected and put into bags to be distributed to the area homeless. Items to be collected: socks, gloves, hats, scarfs, underwear; hand-warmers; deodorant, wipes, feminine products, personal razors, lotion; easy open single serve food items, snacks, granola bars, etc.
Sunday School
Every Sunday we offer the children of our congregation a time to learn about Jesus and the Bible in a friendly safe environment during the regular Worship service. The children learn Bible lessons through crafts and stories. Want to share the love of Jesus with children? Volunteers are welcome to assist with Sunday School lessons.
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