Our Mission
"Meeting the people where they are, with the Gospel that changes lives." This has been our motto since 2007 and it sums up how we feel about our community and how we present the Word. Extending the love and care of the Crucified and Risen Savior, Jesus Christ to all people, while equipping and sending God's people to make a Christ-like difference in the community and the world.
Core Values
We are a church that is biblically based and culturally relevant.
Our ministry is centered on grace and reliant on prayer.
We are a people called and gifted by God, living and strengthened in community.
Our faith is personally experienced and practically applied.
Our Core Desires:
Worship: Our desire is to honor and celebrate God's worth, through Prayer, Scripture and music, as we receive and respond to His grace together in Worship.
Discipleship: Our desire is to deepen our personal relationship with God by engaging in spiritual growth opportunities.
Stewardship: Our desire is to respond sacrificially to God through the use of our time, spiritual gifts, and finances in a manner to grow His church.
Community: Our desire is to connect people with people where they relate their life and faith in God.
Outreach: Our desire is that God will bring the spiritually disconnected into a living relationship with Him by equipping and providing opportunities for people to naturally and effectively share their faith.
Serving: Our desire is to provide those in need with food, clothing and spiritual growth support.
Children: Our desire is to provide all children with a safe environment where that can grow in the Word of God. We will plan to provide the children with knowledge of how to spiritually learn to help others in the community.
What we Believe
The Bible is in every part the inspired Word of God without error or contradiction, and that Scripture is God's authoritative Word for today.
God is one God, eternally existent in three persons: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
Man was created by God a perfect human being with body, soul and spirit but fell into sin and separated himself from God. As a result, all people need to be rescued from their sinful condition through the merits of the Cross.
Jesus Christ, God "in the flesh" (John 1:14), came to this earth, was born of a virgin, lived a perfect life for us, took the punishment for our sins upon Himself when He died on the cross, and rose again bodily. Through this sacrificial gift of love, He guarantees salvation, peace with God, and eternal life to all people who receive Him as their personal Savior.
Salvation is a free "gift of God" (Romans 6:23) which cannot be earned by trusting in the good things we done, but rather by trusting only in what Jesus Christ did for us on the cross. The question, "What must I do to be saved?" is answered clearly: "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household" (Acts 16:31)
Saving Faith is created and sustained by the Holy Spirit, who lives in our hearts. He works through the Means of Grace...the Word of God, Baptism and the Lord's Supper.
The Power of the Holy Spirit enables us to live victorious lives with His fruits (Galatians 5:22-23) and gifts for the glory of the Lord Jesus.
The Second Coming of Jesus, accompanied by the resurrection of the dead and final judgment, may be anticipated with joy and confidence by His forgiven people.
St. Paul's is a member of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, Michigan District. This is a mission church offering many free services to the community of northern Pontiac. There are also several ways to serve this community as a volunteer.
our staff
Our Pastor
Rev. Jerry Corbett, Jr.
Pastor Jerry was installed on July 21, 2024 as our new pastor. He came to us in January as our vacancy pastor and accepted our call to him. He comes to us from East Pointe where he served for several years at St. Thomas Lutheran church.
We look forward to working with Pastor Corbett to share the Gospel with the people of Pontiac.
Admin & Church Secretary
Joan Wagner (R) has been the administrative assistant since 2017. She comes from St. Stephen Lutheran Church in Waterford. After retiring from Chrysler in 2008 I found a home as part of St. Paul since 2010.
Jodie Scandrick (L) is our Outreach Ministries coordinator and church secretary. Her loving care of those who come for help is a blessing to the church and community.
We enjoy meeting everyone and assisting those who come to our doors for help. God is Good All the Time; All the Time God is Good.
Parish Nurse Program
Our Parish Nurse is Mary McColeman a registered nurse from St. John LC. Mary provides Christian based wellness check ups for our shut ins and those in need. The first Sunday and Wednesday of the month she offers Blood Pressure checks. Health related classes are provided each month and will be listed in our Events calendar.
i-CAN Tutoring
The iCAN program is FREE and offers help with school work for ALL children from First grade to High School. The program is offered every Wednesday from 4 - 6pm. IF your child/children need assistance with homework, we can make arrangements with our tutor to help them.
Please contact the church office for more information.
Music ministry
Sarah Ewing has joined our music ministry as our Worship leader. We welcome any and all musicians, singers, praise leaders who want to share praise music during worship. Two of our members are working on creating a small praise group and are looking for additional voices and musicians. If you have a desire to share your talents, please contact the church office.
Volunteers from local churches assist occasionally to enhance our worship services.
worship with holy communion
Sunday School: 12:15 pm
Wednesday: Family Night Dinner - Dine In - 6 pm
Office Hours:
Tuesday & Thursday 10:00am - 4:30pm
Wednesday 12:00 - 5:00pm
Friday by appointment only
Closed on Mondays
former staff
Rev. Dietrick and Rebecca Gladden were the sole staff at St. Paul Community Lutheran Church, the last Lutheran church in Pontiac, for 11 years. Their faithful labor brought the church new life, after nearly being closed, with the wonderful support of many sister churches. He is presently serving at 2 churches in Detroit and we wish him God's blessings in his new position.
Intentional Interim Pastor
Rev. Jon Trinklein was installed as our Intentional Interim Pastor on January 7, 2018. His life calling is to make as many disciple-making disciples possible through bringing people into a growing relationship with Jesus. Pastor Jon served half time at St. Paul where he preached twice a month and led Bible Study on Wednesday nights. Pastor Jon brought many people to faith via baptism and membership classes during his two years leading St. Paul. We wish Jon & Sue God’s blessings in their next endeavor.
Former Staff
Rev. Christopher Jung and wife Amanda served our congregation from 2020 to 2023. Though COVID interrupted the 1st year, many opportunities for fellowship with our Pontiac community happened during their tenure. Pastor Jung’s bilingual abilities helped our Spanish speaking visitors when they needed assistance. We wish the Jung family continued blessings in their next call.
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