Alcoholics anonymous
Father's Hands Food Pantry & Clothing Closet
"For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me," (Matthew 25:35)
If you are in need of food or clothing, we have a food pantry and clothing closet that are open to everyone.
FOOD PANTRY is open on Tuesdays & Thursdays: 1:00 - 2:30 pm.
CLOTHING CLOSET is open on Tuesdays & Thursdays from 1-2:30 pm.
As of July 1, we will require a form of ID and you must register when picking up the food. Call the Office to let us know you are coming and how many in the family.
Parish nurse program
Office Hours: Tuesdays from 10:30am - 12:00pm; Walk Ins Welcome.
Blood Pressure checks will be offered before & after church service on the 1st Sunday of the month and before & after supper on the 1st Wednesday of the month. We will also be offering a First Aid class and CPR classes when they can be scheduled with the instructors. These classes will be offered at a cost.
I Can Tutoring - free after school program
Lutheran Special Education Ministries - iCAN Tutoring after school program is where Students from K through 12 , as well as adults, work with an LSEM educator to work on Reading, writing, and Mathematics. We have free WiFi access so we encourage students to bring their own tablets or laptops. iCAN is supplemental instruction in a Christ-centered setting and all sessions begin and end with prayer. Tutoring is available every Wednesday afternoon from 4-6 pm during the school year (September - June). Call the office or come in for more information.
Open to ALL youth ages 10-14 years old. Adult led devotions; fun games; and fellowship.
The Youth Building has all you could want for fun and fellowship. Basketball; Foosball; video games. Snacks and more. Call the office if you need a ride.
Alcoholics Anonymous
This private group meets every Thursday evening at 6:00 pm. For those in need of help.
friday food
prayer group
Mom’s Day Out
Every Friday we offer FREE food to everyone on a first come first served basis. You must sign in before the food is distributed and take only enough for your family needs. We receive food from several restaurants through the gracious generosity of Trinity Lutheran Church, Utica MI. Surplus food is also received from QTMC and Mr. Coleman. Food arrives at the church around 12:30 pm and distributed to all between 1pm and 2:30 pm.
To Be Determined; Looking for volunteers to lead this group. Every Sunday at 10:00am we gather together in the front lobby of the church to share our concerns and lift prayers to our Lord. Everyone is welcome to join us. We begin with a short devotion and then we offer up our prayers.
If you would be interested in helping organize this group, please contact the Church office. IF there is enough interest, we will be offering a one morning a week child care program. Please watch this space and our calendar for more information.