Welcome to St. Paul Community Lutheran Church
Bienvenido a Iglesia Luterana de la Comunidad de St. Paul
St. Paul Community Lutheran Church is a multi-cultural church, serving the diverse community of Pontiac, Michigan. Offering worship service, weekly Bible studies and Family Night dinners, as well as food and clothing assistance to those in need are just samples of how the church is growing. St. Paul's hosts holiday dinners and summer Vacation Bible School programs.
Originally established as a Mission Outreach Congregation in 1946, its primary focus was to bring more people to believe that Jesus is their Lord and Savior. They did this through Worship and Bible enrichment studies. They reached out to tell about Jesus through love and various programs in the local Pontiac community. They built the present church building at Third and Joslyn in 1953. The original building at 4th and Joslyn then became the Economy Center where used clothing was sold.
The church closed for about 10 years and re-opened in 2007 as a Lutheran Mission Church through the efforts of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, Michigan District. The Michigan District of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod called a pastor, Dietrick A. Gladden as a missionary for the congregation. He was ordained & installed as pastor in February 2013.
We welcomed Reverend Jonathan Trinklein as our Intentional Interim Pastor in January of 2018. On January 5, 2020, we installed Rev. Christopher Jung to continue sharing God's Word with new and old friends.
We WELCOME Rev. Gerald Corbett, Jr., as our new pastor. He was installed on July 21, 2024, and will be continuing the work he began in January as our vacancy pastor. We welcome Pastor Corbett and his family to St. Paul.
"Meeting the people where they are, with the Gospel that changes lives." “Conocer a las personas donde están con el Evangelio que cambia vidas.”
Service Times
Worship services with Communion are every Sunday at 11:00 am.
Sunday Worship Service: 11:00 am
Fellowship Time: 12:00 pm after worship service.
Youth & Children Classes: begin at 12:15 pm after worship service.
Volunteers at St. Paul's are an important part of this ministry. If you have a heart for helping people in need, then we have a place for you here at St. Paul's. Do you have a passion for music ministry? Children's ministry? or working in the office? We have a place for you. Our women's ministry needs someone to lead a bible study. Our Vacation Bible school in the summer always needs help so contact the office and see where God wants you to help.
church calendar
“All who call on God in true faith, earnestly from the heart, will certainly be heard, and will receive what they have asked and desired.””